- August 5, 2021
- Team CrackAgri
- 0

Chick Pea / Gram One Liners
Q. Botanical name of Gram (Chick Pea)
Ans. Cicer arietinum (Brown Gram), Cicer Kabulianum (White Gram)
Q. Origin of gram was in.
Ans. South West Asia or India
Q. Root system of gram is.
Ans. Tap root system
Q. Type of soil best for chick pea is
Ans. Light Alluvial soil
Q. Pollination type of gram is.
Ans. Self pollinated
Q. Sour taste of gram leaf is due to.
Ans. Maleic & Oxalic acid
Q. Deep sowing of gram is protection of.
Ans. Wilt disease
Q. Best variety for dry land is.
Ans. C-235
Q. Early maturing variety having medium sized grain is.
Ans. Chaffa (1948)
Q. Optimum sowing time of gram is.
Ans. 15 Oct.-20 Oct.
Q. Seed rate of gram is.
Ans. 80-100 kg/ha.
Q. Important operation which is done in gram erop B
Ans. Nipping (Process of plucking the apical buds)
Q. Time of Nipping operation is.
Ans. 30-40 Days after sowing
Q. Seed bed for gram should be.
Ans. Rough
Q. Gram fruit is known as.
Ans. Pod
Q. Spacing for gram is.
Ans. 30x 10 cm.
Q. Protein content in gram.
Ans. 21%
Q. Gram is a.
Ans. Rabi crop
Q. Variety developed by L.A.R.I.
Ans. Pusa 209, BG 203
Q. Critical stage for irrigation.
Ans. Pre-flowering, Pod developing stage
Q. Largest producer of Gram
Ans. India
Q. Pulse having largest area and production among pulses
Ans. Gram
Q. Test weight of Desi gram (C. aretinum)
Ans. 140-200 gm
Q. Test weight of Kabuli/white gram
Ans. 340-375 gm
Q. Inflorescence of Chickpea
Ans. Rosette
Q. Plant type of gram
Ans. C3 Long day plant
Q. Wilt resistant variety of gram
Ans. Avarodhi and Vikash
Q. Ascochyta blight resistant variety of gram
Ans. Gaurav
Q. Mutant variety of Gram
Ans. RS-11
Q. Short duration variety of gram
Ans. ICCC-2
Q. Gram variety which grains remain green colour is
Ans. Aparna
Q. Effect of late sowing of gram
Ans. Increase the infestation of Pod borer
Q. Effect of shallow and early sowing of gram
Ans. Increase the wilt disease attack
Q. Yield of gram
Ans. 20-25 Q/ha
Q. Chemical used for gram nipping is
Ans. TIBA @75 PPM