Dear students, these are memory based questions of 2021 Mains Exam of IBPS SO Agriculture Field Officer. Go through them thoroughly and you’ll get some idea of the type of question IBPS is asking in this exam.

Q. Botanical name of which crop is Oryza sativa?

Answer– Rice

Q. What is the uniform premium rate for all Rabi crops as per PMFBY?

Answer– 1.5%

Q. Pungency Onion due to which compound?

Answer– Allyl propyl disulphide

Q. Blossom end rot is problem in _____ due to deficiency of _____

Answer– Tomato & Ca

Q. Effluent Treatment of Pond required to?

Answer– Reduce the organic content and remove pathogens from pond

Q. As per the PFA, SNF in cow milk is?

Answer– 8.5%

Q. Piercing and sucking mouth parts found in which Order?

Answer– Hemiptera

Q. The superiority of F1 hybrid in one or more characters over its parents is Known as?

Answer– Heterosis

Q. ICMR recommendation of vegetables in grams?

Answer– 300gms

Q. In Which scheme farmers get direct annual support Rs 6000?

Answer– PM KISAN

Q. Pendimethalin used against?

Answer– Weed

Q. Act Of Parturition Of sow, is called as?

Answer– Farrowing

Q. RM (Reichert — Meissl Number) test is done to check purity of?

Answer– Ghee

Q. Water holding capacity in descending order?

Answer– Clay > Silt > Sand

Q. Symptoms of Powdery mildew of pea first appears on?

Answer– Leaves

Q. Family of Mustard?

Answer– Cruciferae

Q. Process which softens the seed coat to water and gas?

Answer– Scarification

Q. Protein present in silk?

Answer– Sericin

Q. Process of separation of silk from cocoon?

Answer– Reeling

Q. Antheraea mylitta is?

Answer– Tropical Tasar

Q. Retting is a process of which Crop?

Answer– Jute

Q. Fruit of Rose Known as?

Answer– Hip

Q. Which of the Following Chemical used for Polyploidy Breeding?

Answer– Colchicine

Q. Cross of two different breeds alternatively?

Answer– Criss cross

Q. Fruit of Pineapple Known as?

Answer– Sorosis

Q. The credit for success of KVK goes to?

Answer– Dr. Mangala Rai

Q. Buffalo breed from Gujarat and have sickle shaped horn?

Answer– Surati

Q. Reclamation Of alkali soils by using

Answer- Gypsum

Q. Which is Host of Japanese encephalitis?

Answer– Mosquito

Q. Mandi is which type of market?

Answer– Primary type

Q. Mayer published a paper in 1886 on the disease, which he named “Mosaic disease” of which Crop and described its symptoms in detail?

Answer– Tobacco

Q. What is smother crop?

Answer– Rapidly growing crop that is used to suppress or stop the growth of weed

Q. Late blight is the disease of

Answer– Potato

Q. Pre seasonal planting of sugarcane followed in Maharashtra and Karnataka

Answer– Sept- Oct

Q. Who recommends the MSP and issue prices?

Answer– Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP)

Q. Mould board instrument used for?

Answer– Ploughing

Q. Soil moisture measured by which instrument?

Answer– Tensiometer

Q. Which is European bee?

Answer– Apis mellifera

Q. 2-4 D used as?

Answer– Herbicide

Q. Which one is not sedimentary rock?

Answer– Granite

Q. Buffalo milk is whiter than cow milk Why?

Answer– Beta carotene pigment gets converted to colorless pigment

Q. Tree + crop + pasture Known as?

Answer– Agrisilvopastural System

Q. What is zoonosis?

Answer– Diseases transfer animals to humans

Q. Fat globule break in uniform size?

Answer– Homogenization

Q. Anammox is one of the steps of

Answer– N Cycle

Q. The off-type crop varieties in main crop known as?

Answer– Roughing

Q. In Pomegranate disorder that cannot be identified externally, whereas the arils become soft, light creamy-brown to dark blackish-brown and unfit for consumption?

Answer– Internal breakdown of pomegranate

Q. Parallel and anti-Parallel lines in DNA helix is connected with which bond?

Answer– Hydrogen bond

Q. Sugarcane ratooning compared to pure crop?

Answer– More N required

Q. In Maharashtra, Karnataka and AP Grape Wines are pruned twice in month of

Answer– April-May & Oct-Nov

Q. Secretion of milk by glandular secretory tissue of milk animals and their collection in the various system terminating its let down – specific stimuli?

Answer– Lactation

Q. Coconut beetle?

Answer– Rhinoceros beetle

Q. Which seed is progeny of breeder seed?

Answer– Foundation seed

Q. Bordeaux mixture contains?

Answer– Cu

Q. Continuous seed sowing in row and covered by soil?

Answer– Drilling

Q. Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of

Answer– Ca

Q. Which of the following housing system is used in commercial layer farming cage system in poultry having dimensions 14*16 inches or 17 inches?

Answer– Battery Method

Q. The principle of this technique is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C: N ratio through stimulating heterotrophic microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogenous waste that can be exploited by the cultured spices as a feed?

Answer– Bio-floc fish farming

Q. When hybrid by protoplasmic fusion two different species/varieties known as?

 Answer– Somatic hybridization  

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