Cotton One Liners

Q. Botanical name of cotton
Ans. Gossypium sp.

Q. Origin of cotton is in
Ans. India

Q. Cotton crop also known as
Ans. White Gold & King of appraisal fiber

Q. Cotton species which covered highest area in India is
Ans. G. hirsutum

Q. Recently developed terminator technology has been used in crop
Ans. Cotton

Q. Root system of cotton
Ans. Tap root system

Q. In cotton monopodial are
Ans. Vegetative branches

Q. In cotton sympodial are
Ans. Reproductive branches

Q. How many species are grown in world out of 20 species of cotton
Ans. 4 species

Q. G. arborium & G.herbaceum are
Ans. 26, diploid (Desi cotton)

Q. G. hirsutum & G barbadence (Sea island cotton) are
Ans. 52, tetraploids

Q. Highest fiber length cotton is
Ans. G. barbadence

Q. American cotton is

Ans. G. hirsutum

Q. Country where all 4 species of cotton grown
Ans. India

Q. First spinning variety of Egyptian cotton released in India is
Ans. Sujata

Q. First commercially hybrid variety of cotton
Ans. H-4 (1970) By C.T. Patel

Q. H4 is cross of
Ans. G-67 x American Nectorless

Q. First inter specific hybrid is
Ans. Varalaxmi (Evolved at Surat)

Q. Varalaxmi is cross of
Ans. G. hirsutunm & G. barbadence

Q. Cotton extra long variety is
Ans. MCU-5

Q. Chemical used in cotton de-linting
Ans. Sulphuric Acid (1:10 ratio) (H,SO,)

Q. Seed rate for desi cotton
Ans. 10-18 kg at 67.5 x 30 cm spacing

Q. Seed rate for America cotton
Ans. 15-25 kg at 67.5 x 30 cm spacing

Q. Seed rate for Hybrid cotton
Ans. 2-3 kg at 100 x 60 cm spacing

Q. Optimum population of plants
Ans. 50 000 to 80000 (Average 66000)

Q. Sowing time of cotton in North India
Ans. 15th May

Q. Sowing time in central India
Ans. 20 June to 10 July

Q. Sowing time in south India
Ans. Sep. to Oct.

Q. Ultra Narrow row (UNR) was developed by
Ans. USA

Q. Spacing and Plant population in UNR
Ans. 19 x 19 cm2 & PP 277000/ha

Q. Appearance of flower bud in cotton called as
Ans. Square formation

Q. Removal of terminal growing point of each plant called as
Ans. Topping

Q. Height and days for topping in cotton
Ans. Height 1-1.2 m and 80-90 DAS

Q. Separation of fiber from the seed cotton is known is
Ans. Ginning

Q. Ginning % in cotton
Ans. 30-35 %

Q. Common weedicide used in cotton
Ans. Diuron

Q. Cotton is highly sensitive for the weedicide
Ans. 2,4-D

Q. 2,4-D resistant cotton gene
Ans. tfd-A

Q. Little leaf in cotton caused by
Ans. Zn deficiency

Q. Crinkle leaf in cotton caused by
Ans. Mn toxicity

Q. An elongation/outgrowth of an epidermal cell of seed coat is known as
Ans. Cotton fiber

Q. The long outgrowth forms
Ans. Staple/Lint

Q. The shorter outgrowth forms
Ans. Fuzz

Q. No of fibers in one seed of cotton
Ans. 60000-80000 fibers

Q.1536. Bad opening of bolls is known as
Ans. Tirak

Q. Tirak in cotton occurs due to
Ans. Salinity in soil and decrease in N and increase in tannin

Q. Genetic traits of cotton for fiber quality
Ans. Fiber length and fiber fineness

Q. A measure of the air permeability of compressed cotton fiber
Ans. Micronarie

Q. If fiber average weight is below 3.0 microgram then it is
Ans. Very fine fiber

Q. Fiber is very strong when breaking point is more than
Ans. 95 kg/

Q. Maturity of fiber is judged by
Ans. Arealometer

Q. Formula of Ginning %
Ans. (Weight of lint / Weight of seed cotton taken for ginning) x 100

Q. Formula of Lint Index
Ans. [ (Weight of 100 seeds x Ginning %) / (100 – Ginning %) ] x 100

Q. Lint percent in cotton is
Ans. 33%

Q. Nippiness is related to
Ans. Fiber thickness measurement

Q. Spinning performance is measured by
Ans. Number of counts

Q. Boll shedding in cotton is due to
Ans. Inhibitory effect of ABA (Abscisic Acid)

Q. One bale of cotton weight is
Ans. 170 kg.

Q. Oil content in cotton seed is
Ans. 14.5% to 25.6 %

Q. Toxic pigment/phenol compound present in cotton seed is
Ans. Gossypol

Q. No of counts in Indian cotton
Ans. 22 counts

Q. No of counts required for best quality cotton
Ans. 80-400 counts

Q. Seed + lint called as
Ans. Seed cotton

Q. Seed after removing lint called as
Ans. Cotton seed

Q. World’s earliest maturity variety released is India
Ans. CICR Scientist in 2017 (YUGANK)

Q. Bt Cotton in India given by
Ans. CD Mayee (Also known as Father of Bt cotton in India)

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