Dear students, these are memory based questions of 2018 Mains Exam of IBPS SO Agriculture Field Officer. Go through them thoroughly and you’ll get some idea of the type of question IBPS is asking in this exam.

Q. How much interest all farmers have to pay for short term crop loan upto one year for loan upto Rs 3 lakhs?

Answer– 4%

Q. In which of the following year the central avian research institute established?

Answer– 1979

Q. Which of the following is perennial crop on basis of ontology?

Answer– Coconut

Q. In which of the following institute Karan Fries developed?

Answer– NDRI Karnal

Q. ESP is used in the classification of saline and alkali soils or to determine if a sodium hazard exists. What is the ESP of saline – alkali soil?

Answer– >15%

Q. Which of the following micro nutrient plays a activist and catalytic role in the photosynthesis of the plant?

Answer– Mn (Manganese)

Q. Lime requirement in aquaculture at pH 5.1 to 6.5 ?

Answer– 1000 kg

Q. Which of the following crop is highest removal of potassium?

Answer– Maze

Q. What is optimum soil pH for grapes cultivation?

Answer– 6.5-7.0

Q. A saline soil is a non sodic soil containing sufficient soluble salt to adversely affect the growth of most crop plants, what is the electrical conductivity of saline soil ?

Answer– >4 (ds/m)

Q. Which fish contains highest protein?

Answer– Tuna

Q. What is optimum soil pH for guava cultivation?

Answer– 4.5-7.5

Q. What is the age of first calving of Murrah buffalo under good management?

Answer– 36-40 Months

Q. Which of the following nutrient role in chlorophyll production. For this reason, is the element essential for photosynthesis and enzyme composition?

Answer– Fe

Q. Which of the following crop is highest removal of potassium?

Answer– Banana

Q. Which of the following crop is highly sodicity tolerant?

Answer– Cotton

Q. According to report 2010, which of the following state is having highest area of salt degraded land?

Answer– Gujarat

Q. Which of the following is a temperate crop?

Answer– Wheat

Q. Which of the following state has grown Totapuri variety of mango?

Answer– Karnataka

Q. Ratna mango is cross between

Answer– Neelam x Alphonso

Q. What is the Covered area recommended for pregnant cow?

Answer– 4 sq. meter

Q. What is the floor space recommended for one broiler?

Answer– 1 sq. meter

Q. Which institute developed vaccine against Ranikhet disease?

Answer– IVRI

Q. Alkaline soil is less soluble than acidic or neutral soil, availability of nutrients is often limited. What is the pH of alkali soil?

Answer– >8.5

Q. Highest SNF containing in which of the following milk?

Answer– Sheep

Q. Which of the following manure having highest percentage of calcium?

Answer– Poultry

Q. What is digestible percentage of Rice in carp feed stuff?

Answer– Approx. 80%

Q. Which institute developed R2B vaccine against Ranikhet disease of poultry?

Answer– IVRI

Q. Number of batches for broiler poultry per year?

Answer– 5-6

Q. How much time taken in prawn rearing?

Answer– 6 to 8 months

Q. Which tillage implement requires minimum draft per unit area?

Answer– Planter (2.5 kN/m)

Q. What is the area required under semi-intensive prawn culture?

Answer– 1 – 1.25 ha

Q. How much area should be covered by forest according to national forest policy 1988?

Answer– 33%

Q. What is the highest water use efficiency of drip irrigation?

Answer– 95%

Q. How much fund PMKSY has been approved for implementation across the country for five years?

Answer– 50,000 cr

Q. Papaya introduced in India in which of the following century?

Answer– 16th

Q. Under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, there will be a uniform premium of only to be paid by farmers for all the commercial and horticultural crops?

Answer– 5%

Q. In year 2015-16, which of the following crop had highest production in India?

Answer– Rice

Q. Under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, there will be a uniform premium of ____ only to be paid by farmers for all kharif crops.

Answer– 2%

Q. In india which of the following method normally followed in which cutting all branches of fodder crops?

Answer– Lopping

Q. In which form of tillage, no plant is left undisturbed?

Answer– Clean tillage

Q. Name of the component perennial hedge and crop?

Answer– Alley cropping

Q. Optimum relative humidity for plant growth?

Answer– 40-60%

Q. Annual rainfall in humid region?

Answer– >1000mm

Q. Not feature of four stroke diesel engine?

Answer– Fuel is partially consumed

Q. Power sprayer needs hp?

Answer– 3hp to 5hp

Q. For cultivating land of around 40 ha for mono cropping which tractor is required?

Answer– 25hp

Q. Duration of pro estrous period in cattle is?

Answer– 2 Days

Q. Most common wood used in plywood making?

Answer– Teak

Q. Scheme for integrated agriculture marketing launched on?

Answer– 1st April 2014

Q. In India, Power tiller was introduced in year?

Answer– 1963

Q. Micro nutrients are always required in very little amounts but play a very important role in the physiological processes of the crop plants. Which of the following is micro nutrient?

Answer– Fe

Q. Which of the following nutrient cause leaf unfolding where young leaves overlap and later leaf convert into black gelatinuous matter?

Answer– Ca

Q. Capacity of high volume sprayer?

Answer– >400 liters





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