Maize One Liners

Q. Botanical name of Maize (C. plant)
Ans. Zea mays L. Cromosome number (2n = 20)


Q. Origin country
Ans. Mexico


Q. Critical stage of water application
Ans. Tasseling to silking


Q. Suitable temperature for crop growing
Ans. 32°C


Q. Common Herbicide used in Maize is
Ans. Simazine


Q. Hybrid variety of Maize
Ans. Sangam/Ganga Safeda


Q. Double cross techniques of production of Maize introduced by
Ans. D. F. Jones (1920)


Q. On Maize, plants first appearance is of
Ans. Tassels (Male Inflorescence)


Q. Female Inflorescence is called
Ans. Cob or ear


Q. Maximum root zone depth for Maize
Ans. 400-600 mm


Q. Water requirement for Maize crop is
Ans. 500-800 mm


Q. Optimum harvesting moisture content for maize is
Ans. 20-25% (wb)


Q. Protein content of Maize
Ans. 10% (Zein). It is deficient in Tryptophan and Lysine


Q. Maize variety used for snack food
Ans. Zea mays amylacea


Q. Germination percentage in maize
Ans. 90% (Highest in field crops).


Q. Minimum temperature for germination

Ans. 6-7°C


Q. Indian scientist shared world food prize

Ans. Dr. Surinder K. Vasal (2000)


Q. Seed rate

Ans. 18-20 kg/ha


Q. Serious pest for Maize (Pop corn)

Ans. Maize borer (Chilo partellus)


Q. Waxy Maize (Originated in China)

Ans. Zea mays ceratina


Q. Hybrid maize was first reported by

Ans. E. M. East and G. H. Hull in year 1910


Q. Most suitable temperature for germination and growth

Ans. 21-30°C, 30-32 °C


Q. Type of maize plant is

Ans. Non tiller, Cross pollinated plant


Q. In maize yellow color is due to

Ans. Cryptoxanthin


Q. Maize is sensitive for

Ans. Water logging


Q. Best suitable direction of maize sowing is

Ans. East-West direction


Q. A person wholly depended on maize lead to a disease called as

Ans. Pellagra


Q. Single cross technique was given by

Ans. EM East & G H Shull


Q. In India mostly used technique is

Ans. Double cross technique


Q. Dent corn (Zea mays Indentata) is mostly grown in

Ans. U.S.A.


Q. Zea mays amylacea is also known as

Ans. Soft corn (Flour Corn)

Q. Maize which is used for pop corn is
Ans. Zea mays everta
Q. First (1961) 4 double cross hybrids released in India
Ans. Ganga-1, Ganga-101, Deccan & Ranjeet
Q. Synthetic variety of maize
Ans. Amber
Q. Optimum plant population for kharif maize is
Ans. 65000 to 70000 plants
Q. Disease occurs due to deficiency of Zine in maize
Ans. White bud
Q. Rabi maize extensively grown in
Ans. Bihar
Q. Indian scientist shared world food prize in maize
Ans. Dr. Surinder K. Vasal (2000)

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