Potato One Liners

Potato One Liners Q. Botanical name of PotatoAns. Solanum tuberosum (Solanum tuberosum)   Q. Potato introduced in IndiaAns. From Europe in 17th century   Q. Important Nutrient for potato...

Jute One Liners

Jute One Liners Q. Botanical name of Jute isAns. Corchorus Spp. Q. India’s rank in area and productionAns. First Q. State which is first in area and productionAns. West...

Linseed One Liners

Linseed One Liners Q. Botanical Name of Linseed isAns. Linum Usitatissium. Family: Linaceae (Center of origin: India) Q. Fibre of lineseed calledAns. Flax Q. Percent oil content of LinseedAns....

Soyabean One Liners

Soyabean One Liners Q. Botanical name of Soyabean isAns. Glycine max (Known as Gold crop of America)  Q. First introduced in IndiaAns. Year 1880 Q. Hybrid varietiesAns. NRC-86, JS 97-52,...

Sunflower One Liners

Sunflower One Liners Q. Botanical name of Sunflower isAns. Helianthus annuus (Family: Asteraceae 2n 34) (Origin: South America and Mexico) Q. Sunflower is known asAns. C3 Day neutral crop...

Sugarcane One Liners

Sugarcane One Liners Q. Botanical name of SugarcaneAns. Sccharum officinarum (tropical cane) Sccharum barberi (Indian cane) Q. Inflorescence of sugarcane is called as.Ans. Arrow or open panicle Q. Arrowing...
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