Groundnut One Liners

Q. Botanical name of Ground nut.
Ans. Arachis hypogea. Origin: Brazil

Q. Ground Nut is Legume crop grown mainly for
Ans. edible seeds

Q. State which is largest producer.
Ans. Gujarat

Q. Shelling percentage.
Ans. 70%

Q. Oil percentage in Ground nut.
Ans. 40-45%

Q. Nitrogen % in Ground nut cake.
Ans. 7-8%

Q. Best soil for Ground nut cultivation.
Ans. Sandy

Q.  Seed rate of Ground nut.
Ans. 100-120 kg/ha.

Q. Spacing for Ground nut and pH requirement
Ans. 30x 10 cm. sandy loam soil with pH of 5.9 -7

Q. High yielding type of Ground nut.
Ans. Spreading type (Late maturity)

Q. Pegging stage comes after.
Ans. 55 D.A.S.

Q. Important variety.
Ans. Jyoti (Bunch type), Chandra (spreading type)

Q. Chemical used for floral initiation.
Ans. NAA@40 PPM

Q. Fruit of Ground nut known as.
Ans. Nut

Q. Botanical name of bunchy type Ground nut.
Ans. Archis hypogaea sub spp. fastigata

Q. Botanical name of spreading type Ground nut.
Ans. Arachis hypogea sub spp. procumbens

Q. Bitterness of kernel due to.
Ans. Aflatoxin ( (Aspergillus flavus)

Q. Sowing time of Ground nut.
Ans. 20 June to 31 July

Q. Protein content in Ground nut.
Ans. 26%

Q. Protein content in shell.
Ans. 7 %

Q. Gynophore of Ground nut is known as.
Ans. Peg

Q. Rostee disease is due to.
Ans. Virus

Q. Vector of virus.
Ans. Aphid

Q Major and serious pest of Ground nut.
Ans. White grub

Q. Tikka disease (an important diseases of ground nut) is due to.
Ans. Cercospora personata & C. arachidicola

Q. Best and suitable methods of irrigation
Ans. Check Basin irrigation

Q. Critical stages for irrigation
Ans. Flowering stage-Pegging stage-Pod formation stage. (Water requirements 400-700 mmm)

Q. Ground nut is also known as
Ans. Peanut/ Earthnut/ Monkey nut

Q. Which Ground nut species is non dormant type
Ans. Bunch type

Q. Ground nut is type of plant
Ans. C3, short day plant, self pollinated

Q. Popping in Ground Nut caused by
Ans. Due to Ca deficiency

Q. Herbicide used in G. Nut is
Ans. Tok E-25

Q. Yellowing of Ground nut leaves due to
Ans. Iron Deficiency

Q. Bud necrosis in Ground nut due to
Ans. Thrips

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