IBPS SO AFO Mains Question Paper 2017
- June 19, 2021
- Team CrackAgri
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Dear students, these are memory based questions of 2017 Mains Exam of IBPS SO Agriculture Field Officer. Go through them thoroughly and you’ll get some idea of the type of question IBPS is asking in this exam.
Q. What is the plant population in no/ha for long duration variety of cotton crop?
Answer– 44,444
Q. What is the depth of ploughing for shallow rooted crops?
Answer– 5-10cm
Q. Which of the following is a disease causing pathogen in mango group?
Answer– Colletotricum gloeosporioides
Q. Which of the following is a disease causing pathogen in citrus group?
Answer– Phytophthora parasitica
Q. In which cropping method, two or more crops are grown simultaneously during the part of the life cycle of each i.e. second crop is planted after the first crop has reached its reproductive stage of growth?
Answer– Relay Cropping
Q. Which of the following is a major nutrient requiring larger countries compared to other nutrients for human body?
Answer– Potassium
Q. What is the plant population in no/ha for long duration variety of rice crop?
Answer– 3,33,333
Q. What is the aggeregate loan limit from banking system for the category of food and agro-processing under ancillary agriculture under priority sector lending?
Answer– 100 Cr
Q. The water use efficiency in drip irrigation can go as high as
Answer– 95%
Q. Coconuts are harvested during various intervals in the year. What is the economic life of the coconut palms?
Answer– 60 years
Q. What is the interest subvention amount payable by govt. of india for short term crop loans upto one year for timely repayment of loans?
Answer– 5%
Q. What is the minimum amount of assistance under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) for adoption of organic farming?
Answer– Rs 10,000/ha
Q. If a soil has pH 6.5 and this pH is lowered to pH 5.5, the acid content becomes how much times greater acidic?
Answer– 10
Q. What is the floor space required (sq ft) per bird in brooder-cum-grower house (deep litter system) in case of poultry layer-
Answer– 1.0
Q. Liming is done to increase the pH value of pond water for intensive fish culture. What is the dose of lime required in kg/ha., if the pH of the pond bottom soil is less than 6.5 ?
Answer– 500
Q. There are different methods of seed sowing, inserting a seed through a hole at a desired depth and covering the hole is known as
Answer– Dibbling
Q. In which year the Imperial Council of Agricultural research (Presently ICAR) was established –
Answer– 1929
Q. What is the minimum temperature for growth of rice in india?
Answer– 14 °C
Q. Which of the following Agro-climatic zones consists of subzones of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh?
Answer– Western Himalayan Zone
Q. Which state/union territory in India has maximum forest area out of the total geographical area of the state/union territory?
Answer– Mizoram
Q. Which of the following crops is generally known as tropical crop?
Answer– Rice
Q. What is the depth of ploughing for deep rooted crops?
Answer– 20-30cm
Q. Which of the following crops is generally known as temperate crops?
Answer– Wheat
Q. What is the optimum temp. for growth of wheat in India?
Answer– 20 °C
Q. What is the target for lending under agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial banks as percentage of adjusted net bank, credit or balance sheet exposure whichever is higher, as per RBI guidelines?
Answer– 18%
Q. Mouldboard plough is primary stage equipment for land preparation. What is the capacity (ha/tray) of a tractor mounted mouldboard plough?
Answer– 2.0
Q. What is the pattern of assistance for women beneficiary for purchase of power lifter (8HP and above) under sub mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM)?
Answer– 50%
Q. What is the target for lending to small and marginal farmers within the target for agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial banks by March 2017. Bank credit or credit equivalent amount of offbalance sheet exposer, whichever is higher, as er RBI idelines?
Answer– 8%
Q. What is the maximum amount of assistance under National Horticulture Mission(NHM) for small and marginal farmers?
Answer– Rs 18 lakh/ha
Q. Which of the following soils are found most extensively in India?
Answer– Alluvial Soil
Q. Which of the following nutrient plays an important role to activate various enzymes and also plays a major role in transport of water?
Answer– Potassium
Q. Disc harrow is secondary stage equipment. What is the field capacity (ha/day of 8 hours working) of a bullock?
Answer– 0.75 to 1.25
Q. A simple technique has been developed in India by using which of the following organism as bio fertilizers.
Answer– Azotobacter and Rhizobium
Q. The practice of forestry for raising fodder grass with scattered fodder trees, fruit trees and fuel wood trees is suitable-
Answer– Mixed Forestry
Q. Which of the following is an economic benefit for agro-forestry?
Answer– Increment in output of food, fuel wood, fodder
Q. Which of the following tillage operations is offseason tillage?
Answer– Winter tillage
Q. Which one of the following is a rich source of protein?
Answer– Spirulina
Q. What is the concentrate feed requirement per day during lactation period in case of graded protein?
Answer– 3Kg
Q. What is the maximum amount of assistance under soil health care scheme for distribution of micronutrients?
Answer– 2,500/ha
Q. In which of the following tillage operations, organic residues are not inverted into the soil such that they remain on surface as protective cover against erosion?
Answer– Primary Tillage
Q. Which of the following nutrients plays an important role in root growth and promotes the establishment of younger plants?
Answer– Phosphorus
Q. Which of the following is not a micronutrient for plants?
Answer– Nitrogen
Q. There are different methods of irrigation. The field is divided into smaller unit area so that each has a nearby level surface. Which of the following represents this method of irrigation?
Answer– Check-Basin irrigation
Q. What is the form of sulphur (S) nutrient for plant absorption?
Answer– [SO3]2− & [SO4]2−
Q. Which of the following soils are found in hills and foothill areas?
Answer– Laterites and Lateritic soils
Q. What is the premium amount as percentage of sum earned for commercial/horticulture crops under weather based crop insurance scheme?
Answer– 5
Q. What is the seed rate (Kg./ha)for line sowing for rice crop?
Answer– 60
Q. Which state/union Territory in India has maximum area under forest cover?
Answer– Mizoram
Q. What is the maximum amount of assistance per pump set under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) for purchase of Pump?
Answer– Rs. 10,000 or 50% of the cost whichever is less
Q. Seeds are dropped in the furrows opened by the plough and the same is closed or covered when next furrow is opened. This is known as
Answer– Sowing behind the plough