Jute One Liners

Q. Botanical name of Jute is
Ans. Corchorus Spp.

Q. India’s rank in area and production
Ans. First

Q. State which is first in area and production
Ans. West Bengal (7.78 million in 2015-2016)

Q. Seed rate of Jute
Ans. 6-8 Kg/ha

Q. Harvesting time to obtain good quality fiber
Ans. 135-140 DAS

Q. Rib boning process is related to
Ans. Jute

Q. Retting is a
Ans. Microbial process

Q. Optimum temp and days for retting
Ans. 34°C and 8-30 days.

Q. Botanical name of white jute
Ans. Corchorus Capsularis (most grown)

Q. National Institute for Research on Jute and Allied Fiber Technology is situated at
Ans. Kolkata

Q. From which plant part the fiber is obtained
Ans. Phloem

Q. Beat- Break-jerk method used for
Ans. Fiber extraction

Q. Yield of jute
Ans. 20-27 Q/ha and 3-5 Q seed/ha

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