August 14, 2021 Team CrackAgri 0 Linseed One Liners Q. Botanical Name of Linseed isAns. Linum Usitatissium. Family: Linaceae (Center of origin: India)Q. Fibre of lineseed calledAns. FlaxQ. Percent oil content of LinseedAns. 40-42%Q. Percent protein.Ans. 20%Q. Inflorescence of Linseed is calledAns. CarymboseQ. pH requirement of soil to grow LinseedAns. 5-7 (Best 6%)Q. Best soil for growthAns. Silty loam clay loam and silty clays.Q. Percent Linolinic acidAns. 50-60%Q. Optimum seed rate of Linseed cropAns. 25-30 kg/haQ. Critical stagesAns. 1. Leaf stage2. Tillering stage3. Flower stage4. Pod fillingQ. Varieties of LinseedAns. Mukta, sweta, Jawahar-7, Jawahar-17, Gourav, Shital, Himalini, Garima, Hira.Q. Fruit of Linseed isAns. Seedball Tags: #Crops#Krishi#Linseed#LinseedOilIBPS AFOIBPS AFO 2021IBPS AFO MainsIBPS AGRICULTURE FIELD OFFICERMCQs