Potato One Liners

Q. Botanical name of Potato
Ans. Solanum tuberosum (Solanum tuberosum)


Q. Potato introduced in India
Ans. From Europe in 17th century


Q. Important Nutrient for potato crop
Ans. Nitrogen


Q. Protein content of potato
Ans. 1.6%


Q. Maximum soil area under potato production in India
Ans. Alluvial soils


Q. Dehaulming in potato is done by
Ans. CuSO4, (Copper sulphate) to get quality seed tuber


Q. Solanin content
Ans. 5 mg/100 gm of potato


Q. Tuber represents
Ans. Enlarged underground stem

Q. Most critical stage for irrigation
Ans. 25% tuber formation stage


Q. Excess Mg produce type of toxicity in potato
Ans. stem streak necrosis


Q. Best suitable soil for potato
Ans. Sandy loam soil


Q. Protein rich Prototo variety by Asis Datta of NIPGR (New Delhi)
Ans. Protato

Q. Origin of Potato
Ans. Peru


Q. True potato seeds (TPS) developed by
Ans. Ramanujan


Q. Seed rate for potato
Ans. 100-150gm/ha in nursery


Q. Crop which is having highest area and production among all vegetable crop
Ans. Potato


Q. Potato propagation is done by be
Ans. Tubers


Q. Plant type and fruit type of potato
Ans. C3 Plant and fruit type Berry


Q. Temp & pH best for tuber growth is
Ans. 17-19° C temp and pH 5.0-6.5


Q. Variety which is extra early
Ans. K. ashoka


Q. Frost resistant variety is
Ans. K. sheetmaan


Q. Variety which are suitable for processing
Ans. K.chipsona-l & K.chipsona-2


Q. Early maturity (75 days)varieties
Ans. Kufri chandramukhi, K. alankar, K. lavkar, K. navtal


Q. Late maturity varieties are
Ans. K. deva, K. Sunduri


Q. Seed rate
Ans. 25 gm cut of tuber with 3-5 buds @ 15-20 Qtl/ha


Q. Spacing for potato
Ans. 60 x 20 cm


Q. A technique which is used for multiplication of disease free seed in northern plains of county known as
Ans. Seed Plot technique (SPT)


Q. SPT was developed by
Ans. Pushkarnath (1967)


Q. The disorder which is related to lack of Oxygen in stored condition
Ans. Black heart disorder


Q. Due to excessive use of N-fertilizer an irregular cavity in the centre of tubers develops, it is known as
Ans. Hollow heart


Q. Which potassium fertilizer is not suitable for Potato
Ans. Potassium Chloride


Q. Most Critical stages of irrigation is
Ans. Stolen formation (20-50 DAP) and Tuber elongation (50-80 DAP)


Q. Potato leaf roll virus is transmitted by
Ans. Aphids (Myzus persicae)


Q. Domestic quarantine is done mainly to protect from

Ans. Wart Disease


Q. Wart disease resistant Varity of Potato
Ans. Kufri kanchan & Kufri Jyoti


Q. Most common disease of Potato
Ans. Early Blight


Q. Late blight resistant variety
Ans. K. Jawahar, K. chipsona 1& 2, K. Sutlaj


Q. Important inter culture practice of potato
Ans. Earthing


Q. Insect which damage standing potato as well as stored potato
Ans. Potato tuber moth


Q. Yield of Potato
Ans. 30-40 tones/ha 
(Greening in Potato: Due to accumulation of solanine
and chaconine alkaloids on tuber exposure of sun rays)

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