Sorghum/Jowar One Liners

Q. Botanical name of Sorghum/Jowar
Ans. Sorghum bicolour 2n = 20
Q. Harvesting of sorghum is done at grain moisture range
Ans. 21-24% by weight
Q. Jowar is native of
Ans. Africa
Q. Sorghum hybrid is
Ans. CSH-1 (released in the year 1964)
Q. Protein and Calcium, content of Sorghum /Jowar
Ans. 10-12% and 25%
Q. The best high yield varieties of Rabi Jowar is
Ans. M. 35-1
Q. Seed rate
Ans. 8-12 kg/ha
Q. In India maximum producing state.
Ans. Maharastra
Q. Inflorescence of Sorghum
Ans. Panicle (head)
Q. Minimum temperature for germination
Ans. 7-8°C
Q. Rainfall requirement
Ans. 40-60 cm
Q. Drought and salinity tolerant variety of sorghum is
Ans. CSH-9
Q. Due to resistance to drought sorghum also
known as
Ans. Camel crop
Q. Most important male sterile variety is
Ans. Combine kafir-60
Q. Major weed of sorghum
Ans. Striga Spp. (Witch weed)
Q. Seed rate of Jowar for fodder purpose
Ans. 40-50 kg/ha.
Q. Best high yield variety for Rabi Jowar is
Ans. M 35-1
Q. Chemical which is produced by sorghum at
flowering stage which is poisonous for animals
Ans. HCN Acid
Q. Cholam (Great millet) is known as
Ans. Jowar (Sorghum)

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