Wheat One Liners

Q. Botanical name of wheat is?
Ans. Triticum aestivum (Chromosome no. 2n = 42)

Q. Origin of wheat.
Ans. South West Asia (Turkey)

Q. The state which has highest production and highest cultivated area
Ans. Uttar Pradesh

Q. The state which has highest productivity.
Ans. Punjab

Q. Marconi wheat is known as.
Ans. Triticum durum 2n = 48

Q. The protein which is essential for good bread quality and chapati making is
Ans. Gluten

Q. If sowing is done by the dibbler the seed rate will be.
Ans. 25-30 kg./ha.

Q. Starch in wheat grain is about.
Ans. 60-68%

Q. Moisture content at harvesting stage in wheat is.
Ans. 25-30%

Q. National average yield of wheat is.
Ans. 22 kg/ha.

Q. Triticum aestivium was first introduced in India by
Ans. N. E. Borlaug of Mexico

Q. Flowering portion of wheat is called
Ans. Spike

Q. Species which can be grown with minimum irrigation
Ans. Triticum durum

Q. The variety which contributed more production during Green revolution
Ans. HD2329 (Early maturity 126-134 days)

Ans. Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed method in wheat for conserving irrigation water

Q. Highest cultivated area for the crop in world
Ans. Wheat

Q. Phalaris minor belongs to which family
Ans. Gramineae

Q. Herbicide which is best for control of Phalaris minor is
Ans. Isoproturon

Q. Test weight of Phalaris minor is
Ans. 2 gm

Q. Major shortcoming seen during green revolution
Ans. Pulse crops were neglected

Q. Directorate of wheat research (DWR) of wheat is located at
Ans. Karnal (Haryana)

Q. King of cereals is known as
Ans. Wheat

Q. Perling index in wheat is used to determine
Ans. Hardness of grain

Q. Most common crop usually intercropped with wheat is
Ans. Mustard

Q. Recommended ratio for Wheat + Mustard intercropping is
Ans. 9:1

Q. Wheat is type of a plant
Ans. C3, Long day plant

Q. Climate suitable during vegetative growth
Ans. Cool and moist

Q. Climate suitable during grain formation
Ans. Warm & Dry

Q. Variety which is suitable for making good quality Chapatti
Ans. WH-147

Q. Variety suitable for bread making
Ans. DBW-17

Q. Variety suitable for dry land area
Ans. Sujata

Q. Dwarfing agent for wheat crop is
Ans. Cycocel

Q. Objectionable weed of wheat is
Ans. Convolves arvensis

Q. Absolute weed of wheat is
Ans. Chenopodium album

Q. Export quality wheat is influenced by
Ans. karnal bunt

Q. Biofortified variety of wheat developed by IIWR (Karnal)
Ans. WB-02 (High in Zinc content 42 ppm and Iron 40 ppm)

Q. most common hybridization method in wheat is
Ans. Goojo Method

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