Pigeon Pea / Arhar One liners Q. Botanical name of arharAns. Cajanus cajan. Family; Fabaceae (it is a perennial legume) Q. Origin of arhar isAns. South Africa (Domestication in...
Chick Pea / Gram One Liners Q. Botanical name of Gram (Chick Pea)Ans. Cicer arietinum (Brown Gram), Cicer Kabulianum (White Gram) Q. Origin of gram was in.Ans. South West...
Pearl Millet / Bajra One Liners Q. Botanical name of Pearl MilletAns. Pennisetum glaucum L. Family: Poaceae Q. Native countryAns. Sudan (Africa) Q. Also known asAns. Cattail and bulrush millet and...
Barley/Jau One Liners Q. Scientific name of BarleyAns. Hordeum vulgare (2n 14) Q. Top growing stateAns. Rajasthan (30% of total area) Q. Inflorescence of barleyAns. Spike (Head of ear) Q. Growing temperatureAns....
The One District One Focus Product (ODOFP) programme cover products of agriculture and allied sectors for 728 districts of the country. The Government has decided to converge resources from...
Sorghum/Jowar One Liners Q. Botanical name of Sorghum/JowarAns. Sorghum bicolour 2n = 20 Q. Harvesting of sorghum is done at grain moisture rangeAns. 21-24% by weight Q. Jowar is native ofAns....
Maize One Liners Q. Botanical name of Maize (C. plant)Ans. Zea mays L. Cromosome number (2n = 20) Q. Origin countryAns. Mexico Q. Critical stage of water...
Wheat One Liners Q. Botanical name of wheat is?Ans. Triticum aestivum (Chromosome no. 2n = 42) Q. Origin of wheat.Ans. South West Asia (Turkey) Q. The state which has...
Dear students, these are memory based questions of 2016 Mains Exam of IBPS SO Agriculture Field Officer. Go through them thoroughly and you’ll get some idea of the type...
Dear students, these are memory based questions of 2017 Mains Exam of IBPS SO Agriculture Field Officer. Go through them thoroughly and you’ll get some idea of the type...